What in the World is Going ON? – American left is now Pro-Iranian Gov’t

Hold on to your hats, today’s post comes to us from Mrs. P! Thank you!  Make today great!

I have seen a lot of crazy things since the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016, but nothing has really shocked me as much as the most recent events. Donald Trump had the idea to eliminate Iranian top General Soleimani when he was in Iraq at the end of 2019 and did it. As much as so many hate Trump, I never could have guessed that the American left would side with our worst enemy, the Iranian government. And yet, here we are with this post.

Iran has been calling for the fall of America since I been born in 1985. In fact, the General that was eliminated was responsible for some of the deaths on the Iraqi bases I served at two separate times. Many of the funerals I had to attend was because of him. This man oversaw more murders and deaths longer than I have existed. Not only is he directly responsible for 600 American deaths but also Syrian and Iraqi deaths as well. He’s even responsible for deaths in his own country. The Iranian regime doesn’t just seek world domination and oppression outside of its borders but oppresses its own citizens.

But where is the American left? These are the supposed champions of the less fortunate.  When Iranian women were being murdered and jailed for the removal of their hajibs or conversion to Christianity, there wasn’t even a hashtag about it from them. Cardi B and Rose McGowan weren’t standing in the United Nations demanding the human rights abuses by the Iranian gov’t cease, they were nowhere on social media during these massacres. Yet, when a murderous general was killed, the American left was ready because it was Donald Trump who did it.

When Hillary Clinton oversaw the death of Libyan leader Qadhafi, as his dead body was been dragged through his own country streets. No leftist outrage was as great as the recent Iranian one. Hillary was even able to smile as she said, “We came, we saw and he died”. She gloated and was proud of one of Obama’s biggest regrets during his presidency. Libya today is unstable and has modern day slavery of Africans. The American left did not and does not care.

The Democrats wasted no time this time to blaming Americanism and the west for all that ails the Middle East, to appease our enemies and to apologize to a regime brutal to even those they serve. In the actual dictatorship that is Iran, Iranians cannot make their own decisions, protest or even complain without retribution. But somehow, the Democrats of the United States thought they had to stand up to Donald Trump by appeasing these monsters. What an upside-down world we live in.

In 2011, then President Barack Obama was happily withdrawing American Troops from Iraq as an essential campaign promise before he vied for reelection in 2012. He was so adamant that troops had to leave, that he exited without a plan. And as soon as American left (whether one agrees if they should’ve been there), Iran took advantage. In bed with Iraqi President Malaki, Iranian leadership helped the Shia take over the government breaking their alliance to the Sunnis and endangering the Kurds. It got so out of hand that ISIS was formed out of the remnants of Al Qaeda and had money from Iran. This led President Obama to have to send Americans back in harm’s way in 2014. President 45 didn’t start the wars that he walked into, but he wasn’t about to let people attack another U.S. Embassy like they did in Benghazi, Libya in 2012. So, he struck General Soleimani when he could killing him in the process. Our American Embassy did not fall this time. And somehow, this upset his political rivals. They were upset that he had possibly upset Iran who already hated us. They are cowards of our enemies, and this day it showed.

Yet, the Democrats in America hate Trump. They hate Trump so much they apologized on social media for the death of a general that Iranians even hate. They hate Trump so much they were angry he didn’t go to Congress. Mind you, Republicans warned them that this could happen after Obama set precedence when he bombed countries without Congressional approval. Obamaeven countries America had no war ongoing in and said he had as much right to do it. He had a pen and a phone too. Iran has burned Old Glory, held American tourist and Christians prisoners; but somehow deserved our sympathy? Who side is the Democratic Party on?

I lived in the Middle East for 24 months. I have seen the horror of terrorism in the eyes of the men, women and children. I hugged women who had the courage to vote even though they were afraid. How in the world can those that suppose to defend the vulnerable support one of the biggest human rights abuser in the world? Blind hate. Hate because of who the President of the United States is today. And now some Americans actually feel sorry for a regime that hangs LGTBQIA people in public to shame them and to drive terror in their families. The same regime that doesn’t honor the testimony of rape victims. It is disgusting. No one wants war less than I do. I have seen the horrors of war. War is not a game. And, no it is not always up to the people that are pacifists whether others want to attack our troops. America cannot sit by as our people are attacked. Either way, the left would’ve been upset with whatever decision Trump made because it was he who made it.

Leave the Middle East? Sure. That is an entirely acceptable conversation. One can support the withdrawal of American troops from the Middle East. What no American citizens should ever do is: Apologize for us defending ourselves, keeping ourselves and our allies safe, or show support to an evil nation. Iran is not our friend. Iran doesn’t care about platitudes on social media. Iranians come here to escape a true dictatorship. And it is beyond pathetic that the American left cannot see past its hatred for Trump that Iran is one of the world’s most prolific killing empires.

No American troop should trust the democratic party would keep them safe after such a display of Anti-American, anti-patriotic sentiment. Who exactly do the people in this party fight for? I think the answer is becoming; “Not us” more and more every day.

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