Hillary Can’t Win

Not too long ago I posited the idea that only a female on the GOP side could defeat Hillary. Why? Because of identity politics. The left loves to play them. Barack Obama won in 2008 because he is half black, and too many people in America were itching to help elect the first non-white man to the highest office in the land. I believed that the only way to counter a female Democratic Party presidential candidate and have a shot at winning would be for the right to counter with a woman.

I have since changed my mind. The field has changed since then. Attitudes have changed since then. The 2014 elections have occurred since then.

Hillary has defeated herself. One could hope that the Benghazi fiasco would be enough to defeat Hillary, but the media in her pockets wouldn’t go for it. They gave her a pass on it. They wanted to see her elected in 2016.

Then, Emailgate happened. Even the liberal media, usually on her side, turned against her. They have since turned back to their typical ways, but herein lies the problem. The scrutiny will come up again during her campaign. How will the media who once turned on her, then turned back, handle their own hypocrisy? They overplayed their own hands in this one and now they will have to live with it. With the advent of social media, they cannot escape it. People will hold the media accountable, which should force the media to hold Hillary accountable.

I mentioned the 2014 elections. This is another reason why Hillary cannot win in 2016. The American people have spoken. They are tired of liberal ideas and policies. “Everyday Americans” have seen them, explored them, and have had to live with them for six years now. Those ideas and policies are not working. In fact, more people today are worse off because of them.

As a result of the 2010 and 2014 elections, Democrats in state legislatures across America lost over 900 seats to Republicans. That is one of the biggest landslides in American history.

While it is true that more young people vote in presidential elections than in other elections, they are far from the deciding vote in America if all Republicans, conservatives, and independents turn out at the polls. 2016 just may be one of those years we all do. America simply cannot afford another four years of liberal ideas and policies, and a vote for Hillary would ensure such a disaster would happen.

Hillary long ago defeated herself from ever winning a presidential election, but with all her controversies as of late, she has cemented her fate, much like President Barack Obama has during the course of the past six years.

Change is about to come to America, but not the kind that Democrats and liberals are betting on.

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