Tyrannical Tees

Someone please bring me my fainting couch. Target is selling a t-shirt with the word “Trophy” on it, and feminists are losing their collective mind over it.
trophy wife tee
Ermahgawd! The patriarchy! It burns! There’s a petition and everything to demand that Target remove the hateful piece of cloth. How dare someone be allowed to purchase this shirt???

It’s clearly a joke since it’s carried in the same section with shirts that read “Bride”, “Mrs.”, etc. Ya know…bridal snark. But as we know, feminists have no sense of humor and they don’t want you to have one either.

However, they don’t seem to mind women having the word “Juicy” emblazoned across their butt, since there’s no outcry for the removal of these pants:

It’s all so confusing. Maybe there’s a list somewhere of approved items we women can purchase and wear, since feminists think we are too dumb to decide this on our own and we strong modern must be protected from the visual assault of oppressive novelty clothes.

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