Hey Feminists! The 1960s Called. They Want You to Shut Up.

Canadian YouTuber, Lilly Singh, living in the U.S. to better take advantage of capitalism is attempting to modernize the 1960s era feminist bra burning. And by modernize I mean take what once meant that women could stand on their own two feet and didn’t need men or anyone else to support them, and turn it into this weird third wave feminism thing where women are perpetual victims of all of the things who can’t survive without government–taxpayers–giving them “free” stuff and making laws that stomp and crush everyone else into smoldering piles of debris to be used as stepping stones for these women to climb to the top.

So first and obviously–lame.

Secondly it must be really nice to be so privileged that you can afford to throw your bras away. Why not donate them to a battered women’s shelter? Or to their beloved “refugee widows?”

Oh wait, they don’t really “toss” their bras in the sense of throwing them away. They just threw them on the floor and then picked them back up.

So brave. So willing to make the sacrifices needed to bring about the change they seek.


Just more proof that feminism today means absolutely nothing. It’s not about equality because we have that already. It’s about patting themselves on the back for…well honestly I have no idea what for. For being an embarrassment to real women everywhere maybe?

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