It’s All Just Stupid

I’m still trying to catch up from my week off, so I’m woefully unprepared to post anything of significance.

In my efforts to catch up though, the main thought that runs through my mind is, “OMG, it’s all just so stupid!”

For example:
Gender pay gap day? Seriously? So stupid.

Ivanka tweets about a lefty cause she supports such as the gender pay gap or climate change, you know, cuz she’s a lefty, and the left skewers her anyway. So stupid.

Cher made sense. It’s stupid because Cher said something that wasn’t stupid.

Pretty sure that means the world is going to end.

Susan Rice lied, AGAIN, but now she’s the victim. So stupid.

People are mad at Pepsi and Kendall Jenner. I didn’t bother to find out why. So stupid.

Donald Trump tweeted stupid things.

Oh and bathroom mirrors are oppressive. Or something stupid like that.


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