Where’d We Go???
HELLO!!!!! Sorry guys. I had lunch with Clete and he told me comments were closed and I totally forgot to add a post when I got home, cuz Fall Ball BS and then Riya texted and reminded me. Sooooo…..here ya … Continue reading
HELLO!!!!! Sorry guys. I had lunch with Clete and he told me comments were closed and I totally forgot to add a post when I got home, cuz Fall Ball BS and then Riya texted and reminded me. Sooooo…..here ya … Continue reading
Yesterday was the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Communism had such a hold over the mind of its believers, most of them rationalized the pact away.
Hello all! Another fine day and another fine post from Stephen Hall! Make today a good one! A couple recent tweeted positions by ardent Trump supporter Bill Mitchell in part where he carries water for a non-conservative Trump position … Continue reading
Anxiously waiting for the Trump/Tlaib Grandmother Twitter war.
Today’s post comes to us from Alex, friend of the blog. My apologies for getting this up so late in the week, I have no excuse but total laziness. Thank you, Alex! As the dust settles after the second Democratic … Continue reading
Today’s post is by Stephen Hall. Thanks, Stephen! I’ve been rather unmotivated this week, no interesting topics seem to come to mind about which I have really wanted to write, however, one can always count on social media to … Continue reading
Tuesday would have been Fidel Castro’s 97th birthday: thought and prayers to Rey on this difficult time.
Helloooo FRians! This Tuesday’s post comes to us from Stephen. Thank you, as always. Every so often in an alternate dimension called the internet, typically after some tragedy or another, people will comment that we need to have a … Continue reading
Football is almost back. Yay! Also that other sport with helmets and hitting, but that’s not important right now….