Gun Rights Are Minority Rights: Regardless of What People Say

Happy Thursday, FR faithful! Almost through the week!  We have another Mrs. P post for today. Thank you Mrs. P!


Playing outside at my grandmother’s house by the pond, my dad and I were shooting tin cans with his bb gun. At the time, I didn’t know about the 2nd amendment of the United States or about rights. I was just having a good time with dear old dad. Shooting was fun. Then I came to learn more important reasons Americans wanted to be armed and why some are marching to keep this right on today on MLK day 2020.

Yes, MLK lost his life to a bullet. The person guilty of this crime was illegally carrying said weapon and had no regard for the law when he fired that faithful shot. Gun control advocates point this fact out as if MLK wasn’t stabbed by a woman just a few weeks prior to this incident. Hmmm. No anti-knife rhetoric citing this as an example, go figure.

The point of this post is to point out that gun rights are minority rights. The right to defend and protect oneself equalizes the lawful with the lawless. Without it, those who want to do right will be overran with those who want to do wrong. We have too many examples of this for me to post here. The mere notion that being pro-gun is racist can be disproven simply by history. If anything, our right to keep and bear arms is the biggest thing making America great. Ask Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, or any former Black Panther Party members.

Don’t get me wrong. I know of gun crimes. In 2010, my brother was shot and left for dead in the streets of Baltimore just because he believed he had a right to defend himself and the attack couldn’t use his fist. My second cousin was also murdered. I have two uncles both having been shot at different times in Baltimore. Gun violence exist because many humans do not care about the law. I don’t understand how taking away rights of those of us who do understand the law, would’ve prevented any of this from wouldn’t have.

I served in the military doing two combat tours. I was brandished with a weapon pointed directly in my face when I was 17 working late at Burger King. Yes, I have been to a gun range.  I went to an inner-city school in which it had to be lockdown during the DC Sniper situation. I faced an Iraqi uprising at the gate as I had to escort women on our base to work.

How did protecting oneself become associated with white supremacy? How did wanting to feel safe in America become a white’s only thing? Because the media wants to vilify gun ownership and keep minorities helpless. The same individuals saying American police brutalize minorities are the same one wanting us to give up our guns. How does this make sense? Let me tell you, it doesn’t.

I won’t bore you writing what the intentions of our founders hadfor our 2A to our Constitution. I just want to dispel the myth that gun rights aren’t also minority rights. That for black lives to matter, black people need to protect ourselves. I mean,celebrities and politicians get bodyguards. Aren’t our families worth the same protection as the rich and powerful in America?I’d like to think we all matter that much.

There are people who want to get rid of gun crime, I get it. Let us look for a solution that doesn’t demonize people who haven’t done anything wrong, leave our most vulnerable helpless and give more powerful to criminals. Stop pretending that the only gun owners in America are white. That’s a lie and its borderline racist. Minorities are American too.  Going after guns is the first thing that all tyrants do to exert power over a populace. And it’s the ones who are supposedly against fascism in America trying to do it.

Many Americans will not stand for losing our gun rights. Minorities included.

Not today. Not ever. IF ever, not without a fight.

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