The Sky is Falling

Greetings FRians!  Hope everyone had a good weekend!  Mixing it up a bit on this fine Monday…’s post comes to us from Mrs. Pinky!  Enjoy! Thank you Mrs. P!


Just like Chicken Little, the left party of the United States fans the flames of disaster after disaster to worry us all. And, unlike the GOP fears of socialism, these claims of calamity are never based in actual historical knowledge and are bigoted fear of right winged Americans running the country. Their internal hatred of all things Donald Trump causes screaming about how disastrous everything will be.

We were supposed to be going to war with Iran, or was the economy supposed to crash, and what about climate change? It seems the Democratic members of team blue cannot decide what thing and what time we are supposed to be freaking out. The end of the World came and went 10 times over. Meh, that’s the new sentiment to all their doom and gloom, because it never comes to fruition.

Everything is a crisis, and everything is on fire. We are supposed to be running around like headless chickens freaking out about gun violence, the whales and plastic bags. The world is coming to an end, the American left just cannot decide which one is so devastating that we cannot stay focused on it for more than two weeks.

Trump has been in office for 3 years now and all kinds of bad things should’ve taken place. But, it didn’t. I am supposed to be talking to you from the great beyond having died from tax cuts and net neutrality. No slave ships have pulled up to whisk me away. Hmmm, this great turbulent time of the Trump Era is pretty much a dud. Trump sucks at ending the world.

Yeah, we had some white guys dressed like Target employees with Lowe’s garden section torches who looked like they wanted no mosquitoes on their parade route in Charlottesville. We’ve had a guy shoot up a church, another stabs a bunch of people and a few natural disasters. Despite all of that, we are still here. And the American public is on to the next thing to freak out about. (The attention span of the public is short).

Trump is so evil and now he is acquitted, OH NO. The doom and gloom people never stop to take a minute to see none of these predictions are further from the truth. And if you are slightly religious like me, you’d know everything is in God’s hands anyway. I am not saying don’t be prepared or think about the direction the country is going in. I am saying to evaluate the reality of what the Mainstream Media tells you to worry about. Most times, they get it wrong. And when they get it right, like about coronavirus, they blow it way out of proportion. They want use scared and as non-thinking people to control. Don’t give anyone that power of you. We cannot control most things in this life, we at least should control our own emotions. We are indeed adults last I checked.

What is next: war with Iran, NK or China, another teenager of the last ten famous ones to yell at us adults about their paranoid delusions fostered by their handlers, or will the stock market crash (when, when, when). The sky is falling, and the Democratic Party is chicken little.

No wonder so many claims to have anxiety and are popping pills to cope. There are so many things out to get us. A boogeyman around every corner. What kind of life is it to live like this?

I refuse to accept that this is our fate.

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