Georgia, Still On Our Minds

Happy Monday FRians! Today’s post comes to us from Mrs. Pinky! Thank you, Mrs. P!  Enjoy.

January 5th was the runoff election for U.S. Senate in Georgia. The winners were Ralph Warnock and Jon Ossoff. There were a number of reasons for this that many outsiders who are pointing fingers do not know. Let me tell you what I think.

One thing people do not know is how much outside money came pouring in. Over $400 million were raised by all four candidates. Facebook dumped millions into Fulton county which is the Atlanta area. Next, people from other states that only care about a majority democratic Senate, spent millions here. Finally, national organizations from everywhere spent two months on this election. Many locals grew weary of the tv ads, mail in ads and the signs everywhere. It was a lot more invested in this state in history and from many non Georgians who can’t name a city other than Atlanta, Augusta or Savannah.

Next, the political presence was huge. On the left, the 44th President and his former vice President were here. There were democratic politicians in every area flooding the state. There were Hollywood stars, who formerly pretended that Georgia was backward and racist any other day, that came. Black celebrities did ads and spoke at campaign rallies. Even many gospel singers performed for Reverend Warnock despite his recorded history involving domestic violence and child abuse. Jon Ossoff changed his manner of speech to the stereotyped preaching voice that was non-existent in his last election.

The night of the election the vote counting seemed odd. Areas like Rome, GA had 0% reporting when others were up to 82% finished. Chatham County which is the county Savannah is in, actually stopped counting at night. When was that ever legal? Fulton, Gwinnette and Cobb County experienced some issues. You guessed it! Those are counties in the Atlanta area.

Georgia is one of the states that had many suspicious things discovered from the November election from impossible adjudication numbers, dead people voting and children under 18 voting. Dominion voting machines were shown at a hearing to be hackable and they were still used for the runoff. Governor Kemp has a former staff member on the board at Dominion. It would be reasonable to assume that if November had major issues and possible fraud, that January had issues too. But it seems to many that our GA Secretary of State was more concerned with saving his own career than securing our elections. Who knows if the millions of absentee ballots in the state are legitimate. Project Veritas already discovered that thousands who registered did so at an election organization address. Those in charge believe it was okay just because they were not caught in any other election.

It is a misconception that the Republicans did nothing. There were plenty of Trump campaign workers and staff here in the state the entire time. Black outreach director Kevin Daniels did door knocking and met with me to give me an idea of how to get voters to turn out. We discovered 20,000 Black Republicans didn’t vote in November and tried to get them to the polls. I know many other social media influencers that came to the state doing the on the ground work that we needed done. The Republicans did work but there were flaws in what they did do.

The Republican party took a huge hit with this loss.  As more data is analyzed I may do a continuation of this post to let you guys know more of what took place. Yet, we are not a victim group of people. We will take the L and do better. Running away from the party fixes nothing. Let us rebuild it to be better and more effective in our local communities. I know this was a devastating blow. But the underdogs always come back better and stronger. 2022 isn’t far off. SO please don’t lose hope. Georgia will forever be on our minds because of this!

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