You have Failed this City

Yes, I am a DC Comics nerd. And the title of this piece is the saying by Oliver Queen the vigilante hero of Star City known as the Green Arrow. As a avid CW watcher and comic fan, one thing I notice is how much these DC heroes fight for their cities. Superman has Metropolis, Batman has Gotham and Even the Teen Titans have Jump City. As Barry Allen runs as fast as he can to provide safety for Central City, it made me sad today reading Conservative pundits advising we give up on our cities. It was gross even.
I get it. Many cities are falling apart, the progressive policies have made them unaffordable and crime will make Batman park the Batmobile. Yet, these cities have families, friends and kids. Is it really too much for the Republican party to handle?

“America First” is the phrase of the newest mantra of popular Republicans. How can we put America first if we abandon our cities? We cannot. It is giving up with an excuse of safety.
Didn’t just a few years ago, Republicans taunted the Mayor of London because he said that living in a modern city meant terrorism as he explained away his city’s violence? Are conservatives admitting defeat? The political machines of the entrenched Democratic politicians in America’s cities are too much for an idea of conservatism. That’s what this sounds like to many voters.
Our values of less government, more self-reliance and fiscal/personal responsibility cannot stand up to the ills of the Democrats. Yet, the Republican Party was the unpopular party at its inception. It was the party that bucked the system to fight for abolition of slavery. Would the party forefathers like what it has become today, a party too weak to stand up when our cities are falling apart?

Are the ideas of the Republican Party too weak and too far gone that it cannot do anything about our cities? Then why in the hell should those of us not in the cities trust conservatism?
Democrats are not saying this at all. Instead, they are continuing their march into any and every seat across the country with the aim of making the entire country blue, whether a school board, city council or governorship; the Democrats are not counting certain areas out. In Texas, they continual inch closer and closer to flipping it blue as people tired of blue policies bring them to Texas. Some even said so much in a recent TikTok that they moved and hoped it’d go Blue.
Not only do the blue movers want out, they go make new places Blue.

Sometimes you can’t get through to people unless you say something in a tone that grabs their attention. I understand that people are tired of the entrenched Democrats, but saying that all people should just pack up sounds like giving up. Its says to me that you don’t trust the conservative principles to change an area. It says you are giving up on those that live there, some of those people are like my parents and disabled. Why can’t people stay and fight for their homes instead? What happens if we run out of places to go? The Democratic Socialist will not stop because you run, they are like terminators and will not stop until the entire country is all Blue. Then what? Where will you run?

I have heard this before. It was from Barry Goldwater who suggested Republicans hunt where the ducks were. He basically wanted Republicans to continue to ignore the Black voters who helped create the Republican Party and focus more on the white voter base. But as the country is getting more diverse and more Black/Brown, is that the smartest move?
Washington had the odds stacked against him with a band of minutemen and an Empire of colonist who didn’t take it lightly that he wanted out. Lincoln had a country at war with itself. America has seen some hardships and hard times, bailing on our cities to me seems like giving up.

“You have failed this city” should be the mantra of everyone who has had to live in the unsafe conditions, the constant riots and the high cost of living. The local residents should be up in Arms that their homes are like this and the Republicans should be on the ground fighting. If you truly wanted to make America Great Again, where is the local GOPs?
I personally seen the lack of coalitions in Georgia during the Senate runoff and the lack if intercounty communication between party heads. It literally is a gap between the voters and those in charge. I asked point blank to the faces of elected officials, “Why would people vote when they don’t trust the process?” At a meeting about the Georgia runoff and sure enough too many Republicans didn’t vote, they didn’t even try.

How does abandoning those fellow Americans in the inner city show that we love America? We can’t just like the suburbs and the rural countryside and say we love America. America is all of her, the good, the bad and the ugly. I know it is hard. But we are tough, right? America isn’t great because she does everything right but because of those willing to do the work and fight for her.

Move if you must and do what is best for your family. But, a lot of Americans cannot move and telling them that they should be left to the gangs and the systemic oppression of decades of Democrat rule isn’t only wrong, it is bad strategy. How can we say we have the best ideas when we give up where they are needed the most?
I know it won’t be easy to go into predominately blue areas and flip them. This is a long-term strategy. We have to teach, train and get rid of regulations. We have to show people why conservatism is the reason and we have to be willing to get off our butts and try something different if we want different results. We can’t just show up four months before an election and think people will just trust us.

I know the DC comics characters are fictional and this is the real world. But can you imagine how worse these cities would be if we just all ran and left. What if our forefathers thought like this and sad screw it and ran back to England when things got tough? Is that the backbone of the Republican Party? No!

Why don’t we regroup, talk to people who are already working on the ground and support those when we can. At the very least, if America does fall, we can say we stayed and fought as best we could instead of just cutting tail and running. A valiant try is better than quitting, in my book.

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