My Beef with Biden

Yesterday, Biden held a press conference to discuss his plans to deal with rising meat prices. He totally forgot his own intern tweeted out how he had the lowest beef prices in 8 years, but we know he doesn’t tweet his own tweets. He sat down with some in the industry to come up with a plan, you guessed what it is? To spend MORE money. That’s right! He seems unable to do anything but come back to siphon the American taxpayers.

My beef with Biden isn’t that he is trying to do something about the inflated beef prices. My issue is that the only way out of anything is always circling back to spending our money. Americans are post Trump and are tired of Covid. Couple that with some areas recovering from natural disasters, dealing with high crime and/or new cold weather conditions; and we are off to a new year with a worn-down populace. And people are trying to figure out how to feed their families.

I wrote another blog awhile back of all the troubles at the foot of the Biden Administration only a few months in. Well, it’s about to be the anniversary of his inauguration and we aren’t fairing any better. Americans are still in Afghanistan; planes are dropping illegals off in the dead of night and our allies take us for a joke. Is this the administration that was worth dancing for when they won? I don’t see it.

Some on the left want to call meat companies greedy. Really? Then why did they wait until now to be greedy? Why didn’t they raise prices when Americans weren’t struggling to increase their profits? That’s as much as a lie from the day it came out of Psaki’s mouth. For Biden to say that the buck would stop with him, everything seems to be everyone else’s fault.





I would even humor the left and say that the spending started during Trump with his first stimulus. I can even go further to say that Republicans don’t care about excessive spending any more than the left, no matter how much they stomp their feet on social media. However, I remember being told the adults were back in charge. Is this what political adulting looks like? I don’t get how.

The funny thing is that America families have to consistently budget with so much coming our way. And yet, Biden-Harris cannot seem to do anything without spending more money. This is why I call Progressivism, big-gov’t politics trash. They use the gov’t to get us into a situation and then turn around and want to continually spend us out of the problems they create. It is like a dog chasing his own tail.

Farmers and producers don’t just have profits to worry about. And this administration knows it. Or they should know it. But they can only take from the America people so much, then the people will want stimulus, then the gov’t will print more dollars and we are inflating money AGAIN. It is a circle-jerk and we Americans get the worse of it without a happy ending.

The private sector is always called greedy even when everyone knows they are profit driven, if they weren’t they wouldn’t be in a profit-driven market. But why isn’t Uncle Sam ever called greedy? Just because it has the hand on the printer to make dollars at whim, doesn’t make them less greedy. This new gov’t isn’t spending millions or even billions. Every new idea is a Trillion dollars with a T. It’s like they don’t even care what kind of future our kids and grandkids have because most are out the door to heaven anyway.

My beef is that there are so many things hitting us on all different sides and I shriek just looking at a pack of ground beef at the supermarket. It’s one thing to battle ideological fights online, talk about Jan 6 or make fun of Biden’s stuttering, but when you see the effects hit you own household it takes on a whole new form. When Americans have to constantly budget and struggle while the gov’t is never held to account, it is anything less than frustrating.

My beef is that the left pretends they are better at all this than the right, but all they do is spend, grow government and blame everyone but their failed policies. WE GET IT, ORANGE MAN BAD. But YOU are supposed to be better. I see a 50-year politician that was very good at tickling peoples’ ears and who has no real-world work/life experience making things worse.

How can one celebrate Trump being gone when this is what we have left? You can’t.

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