The Roe vs. Wade war and societal breakdown.

Mark81150 is today’s author, and we thank Mark for his contribution. And his final sentence is one we all need to remember, regardless of how heated our discussions get.


The battle over abortion, the murderous killing of babies to appease the far-left cult of “I AM GOD, OBEY ME!”

I think we all knew, at least had a hint as to just how insane the left would react if we ever struck down the very bad law and its arrogant overreach (when you have Ruth Bader Ginsburg stating it was bad precedent and an issue best left to the States, you know it’s bad). It’s gone even further than expectation. When even the thoroughly corrupted “news,” entertainment media is not just screaming in outrage over the possible loss of their beloved child sacrifices, (HEAVILY pushed in mostly Black neighborhoods mind you), they are actively inciting, calling for violence against Christians, against Churches, against Church groups helping young expectant mothers to care for the child, rather than just kill them as the left SO wants them to, against even the Supreme Court Justices who dared cross the Marxist left to say no to them.

It’s gone full nuclear crazy. Activist/Communist thugs putting Kavanaugh’s, Alito’s, Coney-Barrett’s home addresses online and demanding violent protests to intimidate threaten the Justices families and their children, as complicit (and cowards in) government hold back Police protection lest they “offend” the lunatic fringe which has totally infested their party.

SCOTUS Justices, for the first time I’m aware of, had to be relocated to undisclosed locations for their protection and will almost certainly require US Marshal personal protection details for life.

Left-Wing Group Targets Homes Of 6 Conservative SCOTUS Justices | The Daily Caller

As idiot ghoul media “voices” on MSNBC, CNN, NPR and all the rest openly gloat about inciting rage lynch mobs at the homes and families of Supreme Court Justices.

The greatest broken trust isn’t the Supreme Court leak, but the idea festering and driven by the DNC media and big tech, mega-corporations is that using terrorism against political opponents is OK, as long as it’s THEIR ideology being pushed in everyone’s faces by threatening their lives, their children’s – and the Left is going there. Only offering the lamest of excuses as to why it’s OK when they do it.

I see people asking questions online of those of us old enough to remember, “has it ever been this bad before?”

My answer, is yes… and no.

The Weathermen planting bombs, killing Police, The Pro-Ho Chi Minh communist thug anti-war protests, the new Democrat Party wholly absorbing for useful idiot status the Marxist college indoctrinated dimwits, and their media dirtbags coming out as democrat party hacks.

And now?

We have all that again: armed thugs in the street attacking anyone deemed “not left wing”, thus an “enemy of equity and social Just-US” at their protests/riots/assaults/murders/arson attacks. What’s different is democrat mayors cheering it on. DAs selling out regular citizens to appease their goon squads on the street. A broken generation of kids who would have turned out mostly alright if their parents hadn’t just handed them off to be raised by the insane on social media. That’s where we get a generation that spawns school shooters, blue-haired mentally ill-for-clicks CCP app TikTok “activists” pushing self-diagnosed mental health problems as “coming out,” all backed up by a thoroughly weaponized Psychiatric Association, completely sold out to the science hating loony-toons Left.

But those who were raised by caring parents? Did they get broken by the nuttier than squirrel droppings left online? Not very often.

This time, the Left is going full “revolution” by threats, acts of terrorism, and with a completely complicit corporate media and democrat party drunk on the idea of a Chinese model fascist/communist control you state. That’s new.

Can we win?

Yes, but it will require some smart planning. We do outnumber the crazies by a huge number. Nobody with any sense trusts the media anymore, so their power there is broken. We are pushing back, and the up-and-coming generation as much as so many have been failed by their parents, teachers? They are amazingly libertarian thinking, moderate to Conservative. It’s not at all what the left was expecting. They thought they literally owned the kids. While they do with many raised in deep blue and trust fund cesspools, it’s not everywhere.

Seems that Deeply American streak of “NEVER try and tell me what to do” is in our DNA and it’s asserting itself again. I think we can win this attempt to break us, beat us down. It won’t be an easy win. But I think a very doable one as long as we stay smart and stick together.

That’s my two cents. So, discuss, debate, correct me if you think I’m wrong. We are all friends here, and everyone gets an opinion.

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