Semi-Fascist, the man said…

EDIT: Today’s piece is from Mark. Well done, brother. Sorry about missing the attribution.


Where to start…

When the “president” with a condescending sneer denounced every Trump voter as a “semi-fascist”? I have to admit to a certain amount of rage, as in “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”


This from a the “man”, a small, very small petty vain, venial “man” who in all likelihood molested his own kids. Who has joined with a party cabal to weaponize the entire federal bureaucracy to attack every political enemy. Right down to just the common citizen. Who leads the charge to indoctrinate and mutilate a generation of children into the trans cult, all at the behest of the mentally ill TikTok Teacher clowns, and if we “don’t like it,” they’ll lie and do it anyway behind our backs.

This from a man who has neutered the greatest military forces on earth, right down to worrying about gendered pronouns, and not about killing the enemy. Has made CRT a thing, where merit had been the gold standard? He makes it all about “racism” and “white fragility” as China laughs at his sorry ass.

This is the same White House that has contacted both the “news” media and social media demanding they SILENCE opposing voices that embarrass him – which happens a lot, and they quite happily comply. So, his Swamp Rats have a lock on 95% of the “news” media, social media completely under his government’s control. Academia even more far left then he is, churning out useless degree baristas for a dead-end future with votes he’ll buy by paying them off with the taxes of the blue-collar voters.

…but “we” are the “socialists”? Which is what a fascist, and a Nazi are. Government control of government, corporate and the press, education and the military, all indoctrinated in the “Party Uber Alles” narrative.

The only Fascists here are Biden and his circle of lunatic radicals, led by Obama, Jarret, Klein, all of them, even “Dr.” Jill is a radical leftist, and they are all about projection.

EVERY “sin” he accuses us of? He’s committed – gladly committed with much media applause, and now his numbers are the lowest ever recorded. While his popularity kept alive on life support? He and CNN/MSNBC are ginning up the oldest socialist smear, everyone who opposes them is a NAZI, a Fascist. No proof, no reality, they use those words to just smear anyone they don’t like. That is hate. Well, I use the dictionary definition of what a fascist is, and Biden completely checks of every box:

FASCIST: 1 often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

MAGA, Ultra MAGA – I don’t care what smear he uses. I voted for Trump, and will again if he wins the nomination, or DeSantis. But ultimately, they don’t care who we pick, even that sell out Liz. If she did win the nomination, they’d call her a Nazi too. That’s just how the Democrat Left rolls.

I know I am not a fascist; my friends are not, Americans are not. I know in my gut Trump’s not. That’s a cartoonishly bad attempt at a smear, from a president who gave his BEST impression of an Adolf Hitler Reichstag speech. Red lighting hues, use of military in the background, and all. Adolf would be proud.

So, he and the media can scream “Fascists!” at us.

We KNOW that we aren’t, and most of all? We know that he is. Evil on a scale rarely seen in America before. So, we have to Take back the House, Senate and END his presidency.

…my two cents.

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