The 2024 Presidential Debate Drinking Game

Greetings everyone! I’m your host NR Pax and today is the day where the two presumptive candidates for President-

What? What about me?

Go sit in the corner with Chase Oliver and Jill Stein, Robert! We’ll get coffee delivered in a bit. OK. He’s gone? Moving on….

So with the two candidates squaring off on CNN it’s going to be an interesting race.

Over on this side, we have Donald Trump. Former President looking to take back the helm after the 2020 election.

Over on this side, we have Joe Biden, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. The last two aren’t candidates but this being CNN, you know they are going to jump in and catch verbal bullets to protect Joe.

Now it’s important that as citizens, we prepare for this momentous occasion and this means a drinking game.

(Warning: Following the game rules here can lead to excessive consumption. Stay home or get a cab and drink responsibly.)

So without further ado, here are the events to look for:

Trump insults either of the CNN hosts: One shot.

Biden mentions his dead son Beau: One shot.

The CNN hosts attempt to fact check Donald: Two shots.

The CNN hosts attempt to fact check Joe: Empty the glass and pour another.

Trump uses the term Hyuge to describe any policy: One shot.

Biden tells a story without mentioning Beau: One shot.

Trump is able to clearly articulate any success from his Administration without adding insults: One shot.

Biden is able to clearly articulate any success from his Administration: Two shots because that would be an interesting achievement. Three shots if he says it clearly. Four if he does it without mentioning Beau.

Biden or the CNN hosts use the term “convicted felon”: One shot.

Trump retorts with either shower time with Ashley or Hunter being a felon: One shot.

Trump is allowed to finish his sentences without CNN or Biden interrupting: Three shots.

Biden can actually finish a sentence. Two shots.

Feel free to add any others you think would be a good idea. But once again, stay home to watch it or call a cab to get you home.

(For amusement’s sake, this was my debate material for 2016)

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