What Price Tolerance?

The news has been buzzing lately with the anti-savage, pro-civilization protests going on in the UK. The local Muslim population has finally crossed a line with the murder of three children. The assailant was born in the UK but has never assimilated into the country.

But to listen to the media, it’s not the fault of the Poor Oppressed Brown People that are swimming in a sea of raysism. We are not allowed to point out the skin tone, ethnicity or the religion of any of the perpetrators that are rioting. You can’t talk about Muslim vigilante groups and lone white people being beaten. The media has been doing its best to choke the life out of this story and send it out with tomorrow’s garbage.

Unfortunately for them, there are other outlets. Twitter has been posting a constant stream of information to the point that the enemedia has had no choice but to broadcast it. And now it’s to the point that a high-ranking police officer is threatening to extradite and arrest citizens of other nations for posting mean things.

Why are we at this point now? The forces that bleat loudest for tolerance have willingly closed their eyes and ears over this and refuse to see the problem. Their need to feel good and attempt to address alleged injustices is so great that they will happily allow themselves to be second tier citizens in their own country.

Tolerance can be something good when applied correctly. There is nothing wrong with saying that we should tolerate others despite differences. But when your civilization is being destroyed and it’s considered bad manners to point that out, normal people need to step up and fight back.

Hopefully, it’s not past the point of no return and that we can save the good things that are out there. All we can do is have faith and fight back mercilessly if we are left with no choice.

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