Thanks Rey for the excellent palate cleanser.
Given the current wave of political correctness and cancelling anything or anyone deemed offensive to the woke, we still have comic strips, which have been popular forever. Traditionally printed in newspapers and magazines, they feature some widely known characters that hold a dear and memorable place in contemporary society and culture. Often funny and poignant, they provide a lighthearted break given the bombardment in today’s plethora of news. Yes, plethora; that means a lot to me.
Now, I have not had a paper subscription in years, so I rarely get to see them as I did in my younger days, but I think it would be a welcomed to revisit those oldies but goodies.
I recall Dilbert; a strip focused on the character and his frustrations working a white-collar job. BC and The Wizard of Id were favorites also. Beetle Bailey was ok, but I’m sure those in the military could relate to. Non Sequitur was good for absurd gags, much like The Far Side. Garfield, I never did like much.
What do you recall of such comic strips? Did or do you have a favorite, or two? Oh, and feel free to attach a strip or two. We need laughter back in our daily routine.