All Roads Lead to Taxes
Remember when they told us we had to pay the gas tax to pay for the roads and to fix the roads and so we did? Then they said we were polluting too much with our gas guzzling CO2 producin’ … Continue reading
Remember when they told us we had to pay the gas tax to pay for the roads and to fix the roads and so we did? Then they said we were polluting too much with our gas guzzling CO2 producin’ … Continue reading
Salon. That oh-so-un-biased example of newsy journalistic integrity is proving once again just how unbiased and newsy they are by attacking Politico for reporting on all things Hillary-gate. Headline: How Politico became a GOP stooge: Republicans want to destroy Hillary … Continue reading
Declaration of Independence. The public act by which the Second Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776, declared the Colonies to be free and independent of England. The document embodying it. Declaration. Noun. The act of declaring. Announcement. A positive, explicit, … Continue reading
If you aren’t homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling your child(ren), you should be. If you can’t or don’t want to homeschool but can afford to enroll your child(ren) in private school, you should do that. Like right now. Today. Our … Continue reading
Are you a Facebooker? You want to celebrate the Fourth of July on your profile? Well, you may not want to do that. You could be branded a homophobe. Apparently–and I say “apparently” because I’m not a Facebook user at … Continue reading
Progress, progress, progress. I keep hearing this word from the Left. Marriage is now a constitutional right…Progress! Obamacare…Progress! Abortion in facilities not up to surgical standards and in the third trimester…Progress! Just what exactly does the Left think that word … Continue reading
@steph93065 @ChristiChat It is called fascism. — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) June 27, 2015 Often, public figures to the right of center will avoid expressing thoughts that are contrary to the status quo. Their viewpoints are vilified by Democrats, … Continue reading
A couple of weeks ago in a New York Times op-ed, “experts” told us that law enforcement is more concerned about right-wing domestic extremists than they are about Muslim terrorists. Now DHS tells law enforcement and the public to be … Continue reading
Today, an issue exists that should concern people of all political flavors who use their own websites to express their political views. It’s actually something that could affect the privacy of millions of website owners worldwide, regardless of their level … Continue reading
We have held that Congress “does not alter the fundamental details of a regulatory scheme in vague terms or ancillary provisions.” Whitman v. American Trucking Assns., Inc., 531 U. S. 457, 468 (2001). But in petitioners’ view, Congress made the … Continue reading