National Best Friend Day
Although we are on the tail end of the day, I just wanted to mention that it’s National Best Friend Day. If you are like me, you are a busy bee and sometimes (or in my case, often) don’t stay … Continue reading
Although we are on the tail end of the day, I just wanted to mention that it’s National Best Friend Day. If you are like me, you are a busy bee and sometimes (or in my case, often) don’t stay … Continue reading
In my previous post from Saturday, I mentioned Sheriff David Clarke’s PSA where he advised people to get firearm training so they can protect themselves when their lives are in immediate danger and help from law enforcement isn’t available. Yet … Continue reading
Oh, man, I love this. Today, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke–you may have heard of him–who I’m proud to say is my sheriff, tore into Congresswoman Gwendolynne Moore, who I’m ashamed to say is my district representative in the U.S. … Continue reading
Seventy-one years ago today, the largest armada in known history began its invasion of the German-occupied territories of Western Europe. Operation Neptune, also known as D-Day, was the beginning of the end of the Nazis’ reign. Approximately 133,000 British, Canadian, … Continue reading
So I’m reading this article today on the Washington Post’s site titled “Scientists finally have an explanation for why huge lakes atop Greenland are vanishing.” I just assumed the explanation would be that it’s my fault for existing. You see, … Continue reading
Cruz. Paul. Rubio. Carson. Fiorina. Huckabee. Santorum. Pataki. Graham. Now Republican Governor of Texas Rick Perry has officially entered the race to be your next President of the United States of America.* The Right Scoop has several live streams of … Continue reading
For the past nine months since the Michael Brown shooting, people have been taking to the streets in major cities to protest police departments. Some protests have been peaceful, but a large number of them have turned to chaos, with … Continue reading
Remember when President Obama gave a speech to a joint session of Congress in 2009 and declared that illegals would not be covered under the Affordable Care Act? You may better remember it as the speech in which Rep. Joe … Continue reading
Starri Hedges, Director and Sex Education teacher at Gaia Democratic School in Minneapolis, MN may be the dumbest and most twisted teacher on the planet. She thought it was a great idea to take a group of middle and high … Continue reading
We’ve all heard about the right’s supposed “War on Women” in America. If you think the unborn should be protected, if you think you shouldn’t have to pay for your neighbor’s birth control, or if you keep the resumes of … Continue reading