Milwaukee Cops Recover American Flag from Stinkin’ Protesters Outside GOP Debate

Last night, Dan O’Donnell at Milwaukee’s News/Talk 1130 WISN noted something that took place outside the Milwaukee Theater where people were protesting the GOP debate. (Actually, they weren’t protesting the candidates. They were just hoping to get some attention for … Continue reading

2015 Fox Business/Wall Street Journal GOP Debate Open Thread

Welcome, everyone, to another GOP debate open thread. Tonight’s debate takes place in my own hometown of Milwaukee. I sort of wish I had tried to make arrangements to be a part of the press gaggle and gotten access to … Continue reading

The CO2 Response: Uncle Barry Wants YOU in the Obamacares

Obamacare. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, or pee-pee-ah-cah–it’s missing a “c”). Or just BFD for Big F#$%ing Disaster. While Americans may have different names for it, Barack Obama thinks it’s just great. And he tells everyone so … Continue reading

Should Drug Addicts Be Given Safe Spaces to Get High?

As the unofficial “Crime Week” continues here at Freedom Reconnection, here’s another story that piqued my interest. Boston’s NPR station WBUR has a story about a group of doctors and nurses belonging to a non-profit organization who want to give … Continue reading

Obama’s War on Minority Women and Children

According to the Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization that focuses on the U.S. criminal justice system, about half of the 2.2 million people currently incarcerated in the United States are parents. One in five of them have child support … Continue reading